It occurred to me today, that I have ENERGY again. I don’t feel like crawling into a ball and
going to bed by 9am. That was not a typo, I meant 9am... I suppose much of
this new energy is due to the fact that I do not have the constant urge to vomit, but most
of that and the extra energy HAS to be attributed to the new way I have to
eat. How can you not have energy when
you body isn’t wasting it all trying to digest what you put in it, no matter
how small the quantity? It has become
glaringly obvious to me that the quality of what we eat is far more important than
I ever imagined. Eating no wheat
(gluten), no meat, low fat, lower fiber and simple foods has yielded this
energy that I haven’t felt in a very long time.
I wish I didn’t have to get sick as a dog for months to come to this
realization, but some of us hit the snooze a bit too long and have to be shaken
to be woken up. I am just glad that I
finally did wake up! Now to get rid of the
gnawing sore pain in my Right Upper Quadrant….
God is good…all the time!
All the time…God is good! All God’s
people say….AMEN!
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my
trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. (Psalm
The below recipe is one of my favorite comfort foods my
Grandma likes to make and is her favorite treat as well. Since her recipe calls for flour, I decided
to modify for my stomach and was quite happy with the results. Three out of three others polled agree, this
is a tasty alternative.
Batter Dipped Cauliflower

1/3 Cup Buckwheat Flour
(not the same as wheat and gluten free I have learned recently )
1/3 Cup Chickpea Flour
1/3 Cup Rice Flour
1 tsp Vanilla
½ tsp Baking Soda
½ tsp Baking Powder
1 Egg
Sugar (to taste)
Milk for consistency
Cauliflower (works wonderfully with other veggies and fish as well)
Olive Oil (or preferred oil)

Oooh, new blog look! I like it!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to hear you are starting to feel better. And also happy to hear that you're having successes with the alternative flours. I certainly never did. New recipe book, perhaps??
Nope, just playing. I only share what works....:)