Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Summer to You!

There are only seven days of school until summer vacation.  Only seven days of school until pool days, beach days, family hikes, crafting days, movie days and camping in the yard.  Only seven days until I am able to relax and enjoy new adventures with my children all day, every day.  
Summer is full of opportunities for us to grow as the flowers do.  The days are brighter longer, leaving more time for the exploration and enjoyment of God’s gifts that surround us.  The air is warmer, leaving more opportunity to visit family and friends, growing those relationships in person.  The fruits and vegetables are in full ripeness, allowing our health to grow as we fill our bodies with the food as God intended it to be consumed.  Each season has its beauty and glory and for everything there is a season, but for now I am ready to enjoy the summer days ahead.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…  (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

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